The Bible Project

Taking the Gospel to New England

Pew Bibles

Hardback pew Bibles used in churches may occasionally need to be replenished or may be needed for new church plants and revitalization projects. We can provide a maximum of fifty Bibles per year.

New Testament Bibles

New Testament Bibles or the Gospel of John may be distributed at church outreach events or to members who may not own or have access to a Bible. We can provide up to 100 of these per year.

Leather Bound Bibles

There may be occasions when you would like to provide higher quality, leather bound Bibles for new believers or members of your congregation. We can provide up to ten of these per year.

Childrens Bibles

Many churches present Bibles to children of the congregation in recognition of a milestone in their lives. We can provide up to ten of these per year.

Make your request.

Bible Request Form